• What are the benefits of tanning?

    Aside from achieving beautifully tanned skin on the outside, tanning has many other benefits. Exposure to ultraviolet light in controlled quantities is the best way for your body to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D is an essential ingredient in the prevention of ailments such as bone disease and psoriasis. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium for strong bones and a healthy immune system!

  • Are there any age restrictions for tanning in Minnesota?

    In the state of Minnesota you must be at least 18 years of age to use UV tanning beds. You can still get a spray tan :)

  • What kind of eye protection should I where while tanning?

    Ultraviolet tanning rays (UVA and UVB) are harmful to your eyes. Eyelids are too thin to provide adequate protection against injury. FDA approved goggles must be worn. Goggles are available for purchase if needed.

  • How frequently can I go tanning?

    Allow a minimum of 24 hours between tanning sessions. Tanning professionals recommend waiting 48 to 72 hours, the span of time necessary for your skin to recover from UV exposure, and to create melanin and a tan.

  • How should I build my base?

    It’s important and more effective to take your time and build up a tan over multiple sessions. The goal is to build a tan which will naturally give you better protection outdoors, while avoiding overexposure. Patience is key. Keep in mind that how often you should use a tanning bed over the course of a week is also dependent on the equipment you choose, product(s) you use and your skin type. During those sessions, you can continue to increase your time in the bed as your tan begins to develop. Results will vary based on skin type and products you’re using while tanning.

  • Will I stop getting darker at some point if I keep tanning?

    After tanning for a while, you may reach a point where you don’t seem to be getting any darker. That’s why we offer equipment with different outputs and features. Ask our trained staff which system is best for you according to your tanning routine and needs.

  • Does moisturizing help when tanning?

    Moisturizing is the key to a long-lasting tan. Also, dry skin tends to reflect UV-light, thus decreasing your tanning potential. For best results, use an indoor tanning lotion just prior to tanning and a good moisturizer immediately after tanning.

  • What lotions should I use when tanning?

    Indoor tanning accelerators are designed to provide you with a balanced amount of these essential ingredients to achieve a better tan. You will tan faster and darker if you use an indoor tanning lotion. You will damage your skin if you do not. Tanning without a tanning lotion depletes the skin of moisture. Your tan will last longer and look healthier if you use an indoor tanning lotion. Many advanced products also contain skin care components that help reverse the damaging effects of UV-light and improve the condition of your skin.

  • Can I use outdoor tanning lotions and oils for indoor tanning?

    These products can cause a film on tanning bed acrylics and actually inhibit your body from tanning. Outdoor tanning products are NOT allowed in our salons.

  • Do I have to make a tanning appointment?

    No, we do accept walk-in tans. We recommend making appointments during busy season (January-April) to ensure you are getting into the bed you want, at the time you want.

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